
«   Chapter 2   »

But you were dead in your disobedience and sins.
أَمَّا أَنْتُمْ، فَقَدْ كُنْتُمْ مَيِّتِينَ فِي مَعَاصِيكُمْ وَذُنُوبِكُمُ
You walked in them beforehand, following the path of this world according to the will of Al-Shaitan, the prince of the authorities of the air. He is the spirit that now moves the sons of disobedience.
الَّتِي سَلَكْتُمْ فِيهَا قَبْلًا تَابِعِينَ صِرَاطَ هَذِهِ الدُّنْيَا حَسَبَ إِرَادَةِ الشَّيْطَانِ أَمِيرِ السُّلُطَاتِ الْهَوَائِيَّةِ، وَهُوَ الرُّوحُ الَّتِي تُحَرِّكُ الْآنَ أَبْنَاءَ الْمَعْصِيَةِ.
We all walked among them in sins, gratifying the passions of our human nature and its bodily desires and thoughts. So based on that nature, we and all sons of Adam were sons of anger.
وَكُنَّا جَمِيعًا نَسِيرُ بَيْنَهُمْ فِي الذُّنُوبِ مُلَبِّينَ شَهَوَاتِ طَبِيعَتِنَا الْبَشَرِيَّةِ وَرَغَبَاتِهَا الْجَسَدِيَّةَ وَأَفْكَارَهَا، فَطِبْقًا لِتِلْكَ الطَّبِيعَةِ كُنَّا أَبْنَاءَ الْغَضَبِ، نَحْنُ وَبَنُو آدَمَ أَجْمَعُونَ،
But Allah, who is rich in mercy, because of the great love which he provided for us,
لَكِنَّ اللهَ الْغَنِيَّ بِالرَّحْمَةِ بِسَبَبِ الْمَحَبَّةِ الْعَظِيمَةِ الَّتِي وَفَّرَهَا لَنَا،
resurrected us alive with Al-Masih when we were dead in our disobedience. By his grace you have become owners of the right hand.
قَدْ بَعَثَنَا أَحْيَاءً مَعَ الْمَسِيحِ حِينَ كُنَّا مَيِّتِينَ فِي الْمَعَاصِي، إِذْ بِفَضْلِهِ أَصْبَحْتُمْ مِنْ أَصْحَابِ الْيَمِينِ،
Allah raised us up and seated us with Al-Masih in heaven by our belonging to Al-Masih Isa,
وَرَفَعَنَا اللهُ وَأَجْلَسَنَا مَعَهُ فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ بِانْتِمَائِنَا إِلَى الْمَسِيحِ عِيسَى،
so in coming ages, he could show the riches of his surpassing grace in his kindness toward us through Al-Masih Isa.
لِكَيْ يُظْهِرَ فِي الْعُصُورِ الْآتِيَةِ غِنَى فَضْلِهِ الْفَائِقَ بِلُطْفِهِ تُجَاهَنَا بِوَاسِطَةِ الْمَسِيحِ عِيسَى.
By his grace you have become owners of the right hand by trust, which is a gift from Allah, not because of your efforts
إِذْ بِفَضْلِهِ أَصْبَحْتُمْ مِنْ أَصْحَابِ الْيَمِينِ بِالتَّوَكُّلِ الَّذِي هُوَ هِبَةٌ مِنَ اللهِ لَا نَتِيجَةُ مَجْهُودِكُمْ
or deeds. Thus no one can boast.
وَلَا أَعْمَالِكُمْ، لِئَلَّا يَفْتَخِرَ أَحَدٌ.
We are the workmanship of Allah, who created us by our belonging to Al-Masih Isa, so that we would do the righteous deeds that he previously prepared for us to walk in.
وَنَحْنُ صُنْعُ اللهِ الَّذِي خَلَقَنَا بِانْتِمَائِنَا إِلَى الْمَسِيحِ عِيسَى لِكَيْ نَعْمَلَ الصَّالِحَاتِ الَّتِي أَعَدَّهَا سَلَفًا لِنَسْلُكَ فِيهَا.
Believers from non-Yahudi nations, the family of circumcision called you "the family of the unclean uncircumcised people." Remember
أَيُّهَا الْمُؤْمِنُونَ مِنَ الْأُمَمِ غَيْرِ الْيَهُودِ، أَنْتُمُ الَّذِينَ دَعَاكُمْ أَهْلُ الْخِتَانِ الْجَسَدِيِّ «أَهْلَ النَّجَاسَةِ غَيْرَ الْمَخْتُونِينَ»، تَذَكَّرُوا
that at that time, you were separated from Al-Masih, ostracized from Bani Israil whom Allah preferred over all mankind, not included in the promises of the covenant of Allah as aliens, and excluded from hope and the knowledge of Allah in this world.
أَنَّكُمْ كُنْتُمْ آنْذَاكَ مَفْصُولِينَ عَنِ الْمَسِيحِ، مَنْبُوذِينَ مِنْ بَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ الْمُفَضَّلِينَ عَلَى الْعَالَمِينَ، غُرَبَاءَ لَا تَشْمَلُكُمْ وُعُودُ مِيثَاقِ اللهِ، مَحْرُومِينَ فِي الدُّنْيَا مِنَ الْأَمَلِ وَمَعْرِفَةِ اللهِ،
But now, by belonging to Al-Masih Isa, you who were far away have been brought near to Allah through the blood of Al-Masih.
أَمَّا الْآنَ، فَبِانْتِمَائِكُمْ إِلَى الْمَسِيحِ عِيسَى، أَنْتُمُ الَّذِينَ كُنْتُمْ بَعِيدِينَ قَدْ أَصْبَحْتُمْ مُقَرَّبِينَ لِلهِ عَنْ طَرِيقِ دَمِ الْمَسِيحِ.
He is our peace, who has made the two groups into one group, and destroyed the barrier of enmity between them.
إِنَّهُ هُوَ سَلَامُنَا الَّذِي جَعَلَ الْجَمَاعَتَيْنِ جَمَاعَةً وَاحِدَةً وَهَدَمَ حَاجِزَ الْعَدَاوَةِ بَيْنَهُمَا
He did this by the sacrifice of his body, such that he cancelled the laws and commandments of the sharia, to create a new humanity, with both groups belonging to him. So he spoke peace between them.
بِوَاسِطَةِ تَضْحِيَةِ جَسَدِهِ، حَيْثُ أَلْغَى قَوَانِينَ الْشَرِيعَةِ وَأَوَامِرَهَا لِيَخْلُقَ بَشَرًا جَدِيدًا بِانْتِمَاءِ الْجَمَاعَتَيْنِ إِلَيْهِ، فَكَانَ أَنْ أَلْقَى بَيْنَهُمَا السَّلَامَ،
He also did it to reconcile them both with Allah by his one, crucified body, by which he destroyed the enmity.
وَلِيُصَالِحَهُمَا مَعَ اللهِ بِجَسَدِهِ الْوَاحِدِ الْمَصْلُوبِ الَّذِي قَضَى بِهِ عَلَى الْعَدَاوَةِ.
He came to give good news of peace to you who were far from Allah, and good news of peace to those who were near to him.
وَأَتَى بَشِيرًا لَكُمْ بِالسَّلَامِ، أَنْتُمُ الْبَعِيدِينَ عَنِ اللهِ، وَبَشِيرًا بِالسَّلَامِ لِلْقَرِيبِينَ مِنْهُ،
So we both have a path to Al-Malik Al-Rahman through him by Ruh Allah Al-Wahid.
فَلَنَا كِلَيْنَا سَبِيلٌ إِلَى الْمَلِكِ الرَّحْمَنِ عَنْ طَرِيقِهِ بِرُوحِ اللهِ الْوَاحِدِ،
So you are no longer strangers or foreigners, but you have become part of my umma the jama'a of chosen people Allah along with the holy people, and you have become part of his family.
فَإِذًا لَسْتُمْ بَعْدُ غُرَبَاءَ أَوْ أَجَانِبَ، بَلْ أَصْبَحْتُمْ مِنْ أُمَّةِ اللهِ مَعَ الْمُقَدَّسِينَ وَغَدَوْتُمْ مِنْ أَهْلِ بَيْتِهِ.
Your belonging is like a building which you have been built into, founded on the hawariyun and messengers. The cornerstone of that foundation is Al-Masih.
إِنَّ مَثَلَ انْتِمَائِكُمْ كَمَثَلِ بِنَاءٍ بُنِيتُمْ أَنْتُمْ فِيهِ عَلَى أَسَاسِ الْحَوَارِيِّينَ وَالْمُرْسَلِينَ وَحَجَرُ رُكْنِ ذَلِكَ الْأَسَاسِ هُوَ الْمَسِيحُ،
The whole building holds together and grows through him to become a holy place of worship in our mawla.
اَلَّذِي بِهِ يَتَمَاسَكُ الْبِنَاءُ كُلُّهُ وَيَكْبُرُ لِيُصْبِحَ فِي مَوْلَانَا مَعْبَدًا مُقَدَّسًا،
In him, Allah is building you together, so that he can make you a dwelling for him though his Ruh.
وَفِيهِ يَبْنِيكُمُ اللهُ مَعًا لِيَجْعَلَكُمْ مَسْكَنًا لَهُ مِنْ خِلَالِ رُوحِهِ.