First John
« Chapter 5
كُلُّ مَنْ يُؤْمِنُ وَاثِقًا بِأَنَّ عِيسَى هُوَ الْمَسِيحُ الْمُنْقِذُ فَقَدْ وُلِدَ رُوحِيًّا مِنْ عِنْدِ اللهِ، وَكُلُّ مَنْ يُحِبُّ الْمَلِكَ الرَّحْمَنَ يُحِبُّ عِيَالَهُ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ.
By this, we are sure that we love iyal Allah, the believers: by our love for Allah and our obedience to his commandments.
بِهَذَا نَتَيَقَّنُ أَنَّنَا نُحِبُّ عِيَالَ اللهِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ: بِحُبِّنَا لِلهِ وَطَاعَتِنَا لِأَوَامِرِهِ.
Our love for Allah is manifested by our following his commandments, and his commandments are not heavy.
فَمَحَبَّتُنَا لِلهِ تَتَجَلَّى فِي الْتِزَامِنَا بِأَوَامِرِهِ، وَأَوَامِرُهُ لَيْسَتْ ثَقِيلَةً،
Everyone who has been born spiritually from Allah is victorious over this world, and our victory over this world is our trust.
إِذْ كُلُّ مَنْ وُلِدَ رُوحِيًّا مِنْ عِنْدِ اللهِ يَنْتَصِرُ عَلَى الدُّنْيَا، وَنَصْرُنَا عَلَى الدُّنْيَا هُوَ تَوَكُّلُنَا.
هُوَ عِيسَى الْمَسِيحُ الَّذِي أَتَى مِنْ خِلَالِ الْمَاءِ وَالدَّمِ، لَمْ يَأْتِ مِنْ خِلَالِ الْمَاءِ فَقَطْ، بَلْ مِنْ خِلَالِ الْمَاءِ وَالدَّمِ أَيْضًا. وَيَشْهَدُ بِذَلِكَ رُوحُ اللهِ، لِأَنَّ رُوحَ اللهِ هُوَ الْحَقُّ.
There are three witnesses:
فَالشُّهُودُ ثَلَاثَةٌ:
Al-Ruh, the water, and the blood. Their shahada is one.
اَلرُّوحُ وَالْمَاءُ وَالدَّمُ وَشَهَادَتُهُمْ وَاحِدَةٌ.
If we accept the shahada of people, the shahada of Allah is greater. This is the shahada of Allah about his beloved Amir.
إِذَا كُنَّا نَقْبَلُ شَهَادَةَ الْبَشَرِ، فَشَهَادَةُ اللهِ أَكْبَرُ، إِذْ هَذِهِ هِيَ شَهَادَةُ اللهِ عَنْ أَمِيرِهِ الْحَبِيبِ.
مَنْ يُؤْمِنُ بِالْأَمِيرِ حَبِيبِ اللهِ مُتَوَكِّلًا عَلَيْهِ، فَلَدَيْهِ هَذِهِ الشَّهَادَةُ فِي دَاخِلِهِ، لَكِنْ مَنْ يَكْفُرُ بِاللهِ فَقَدْ كَذَّبَ اللهَ، لِأَنَّهُ لَمْ يُصَدِّقْ شَهَادَةَ اللهِ عَنْ أَمِيرِهِ الْحَبِيبِ.
The shahada is that Allah has given eternal spiritual life to us, and this life is in his beloved Amir.
وَإِنَّ الشَّهَادَةَ هِيَ أَنَّ اللهَ قَدْ وَهَبَنَا الْحَيَاةَ الرُّوحِيَّةَ الْبَاقِيَةَ، وَهَذِهِ الْحَيَاةُ هِيَ فِي أَمِيرِهِ الْحَبِيبِ.
Whoever belongs to the beloved Amir has this life. But whoever does not belong to the Amir, the beloved of Allah, does not have life.
فَمَنِ انْتَمَى إِلَى الْأَمِيرِ الْحَبِيبِ فَلَهُ هَذِهِ الْحَيَاةُ، أَمَّا مَنْ لَمْ يَنْتَمِ إِلَى الْأَمِيرِ حَبِيبِ اللهِ فَلَيْسَتْ لَهُ الْحَيَاةُ.
I wrote you about these matters so that you would know that you who believe in the name of the Amir, the beloved of Allah, would know that you have eternal spiritual life.
كَتَبْتُ لَكُمْ عَنْ هَذِهِ الْأُمُورِ لِكَيْ تَعْلَمُوا أَنَّ الْحَيَاةَ الرُّوحِيَّةَ الْبَاقِيَةَ لَكُمْ أَنْتُمُ الَّذِينَ تُؤْمِنُونَ بِاسْمِ الْأَمِيرِ حَبِيبِ اللهِ.
As long as we know that he hears us in whatever we ask him, we also know that it will be answered.
وَمَا دُمْنَا نَعْلَمُ أَنَّهُ يَسْمَعُنَا فِي كُلِّ مَا نَسْأَلُهُ، فَنَحْنُ نَعْلَمُ أَيْضًا أَنَّهُ يُسْتَجَابُ لَنَا.
If anyone sees his brother committing a sin that does not lead to death, he must pray dua' to Allah for him. Then he will live, by Allah's permission, as long as he did not commit a sin leading to death. There is a sin that leads to death. I do not mean dua' prayer for a person who commits that.
إِنْ رَأَى أَحَدٌ أَخَاهُ يَرْتَكِبُ ذَنْبًا لَا يُؤَدِّي إِلَى الْمَوْتِ، فَيَنْبَغِي أَنْ يَدْعُوَ اللهَ لَهُ، فَيَحْيَا بِإِذْنِ اللهِ مَا دَامَ لَمْ يَرْتَكِبْ ذَنْبًا مُؤَدِّيًا إِلَى الْمَوْتِ، إِذْ هُنَاكَ ذَنْبٌ يُؤَدِّي إِلَى الْمَوْتِ، لَا أَقْصِدُ الدُّعَاءَ لِمُرْتَكِبِهِ.
Sin includes everything that is not good, but there is a sin that does not lead to death.
يَشْمَلُ الذَّنْبُ كُلَّ شَيْءٍ غَيْرِ صَالِحٍ، لَكِنْ هُنَاكَ ذَنْبٌ لَا يُؤَدِّي إِلَى الْمَوْتِ.
وَنَحْنُ نَعْلَمُ أَنَّ الَّذِي وُلِدَ رُوحِيًّا مِنْ عِنْدِ اللهِ لَا يُذْنِبُ، إِذِ الَّذِي وُلِدَ رُوحِيًّا مِنْ عِنْدِ اللهِ يَحْفَظُ نَفْسَهُ وَلَا يَمَسُّهُ الشِّرِّيرُ الرَّجِيمُ.
We also know that we are from Allah and that all of this world is under the authority of the evil cursed one.
كَمَا نَعْلَمُ أَنَّنَا مِنَ اللهِ وَأَنَّ كُلَّ الدُّنْيَا تَحْتَ سُلْطَانِ الشِّرِّيرِ الرَّجِيمِ.
وَنَعْلَمُ أَنَّ الْأَمِيرَ الْحَبِيبَ قَدْ جَاءَ وَوَهَبَنَا الْبَصِيرَةَ لِنَعْرِفَ اللهَ الْحَقَّ، وَنَحْنُ فِي الْحَقِّ، أَيْ فِي أَمِيرِهِ الْحَبِيبِ عِيسَى الْمَسِيحِ. هَذَا هُوَ اللهُ الْحَقُّ وَالْحَيَاةُ الرُّوحِيَّةُ الْبَاقِيَةُ.
My children, avoid idols.
يَا أَوْلَادِي، تَجَنَّبُوا الْأَصْنَامَ.