
«   Chapter 14   »

Then I looked and saw the lamb standing on the mountain of Al-Quds with one hundred forty-four thousand people on whose foreheads was written his name and the name of Al-Malik Al-Rahman who has loved him since eternity past.
ثُمَّ نَظَرْتُ فَرَأَيْتُ الْحَمَلَ وَاقِفًا عَلَى جَبَلِ الْقُدْسِ مَعَ مِائَةٍ وَأَرْبَعَةٍ وَأَرْبَعِينَ أَلْفًا مِنَ الَّذِينَ كُتِبَ عَلَى جِبَاهِهِمِ اسْمُهُ وَاسْمُ الْمَلِكِ الرَّحْمَنِ.
I hear a loud noise like the sound of a large waterfall and strong thunder. The sound I heard was like harpists playing their harps.
وَسَمِعْتُ مِنَ السَّمَاوَاتِ صَوْتًا عَالِيًا كَهَدِيرِ شَلَّالٍ كَبِيرٍ وَرَعْدٍ قَوِيٍّ، وَكَانَ الصَّوْتُ الَّذِي سَمِعْتُهُ كَعَازِفِي الْقِيثَارَةِ يَعْزِفُونَ عَلَى قِيثَارَاتِهِمْ،
They were singing a new anthem in front of the throne and in front of the four living beings and the sheikhs. No one can learn that anthem except the one hundred forty-four thousand ransomed people.
وَكَانُوا يُنْشِدُونَ نَشِيدًا جَدِيدًا أَمَامَ الْعَرْشِ وَأَمَامَ الْكَائِنَاتِ الْحَيَّةِ الْأَرْبَعَةِ وَالشُّيُوخِ، وَلَا يَسْتَطِيعُ أَحَدٌ تَعَلُّمَ ذَلِكَ النَّشِيدِ إِلَّا الْمُفْتَدَوْنَ الْمِائَةُ وَالْأَرْبَعَةُ وَالْأَرْبَعُونَ أَلْفًا،
They have fasted from women and remained pure. They are the ones who follow the lamb wherever he walks. They are those whom Allah has ransomed from among Bani Adam as first fruits for Allah and for the lamb.
اَلَّذِينَ صَامُوا عَنِ النِّسَاءِ وَظَلُّوا أَطْهَارًا. أُولَئِكَ هُمُ الَّذِينَ يَتْبَعُونَ الْحَمَلَ أَيْنَمَا سَارَ وَالَّذِينَ قَدِ افْتَدَاهُمُ اللهُ مِنْ بَيْنِ بَنِي آدَمَ بَاكُورَةً لِلهِ وَلِلْحَمَلِ،
There is no lie in their mouths, and they are without fault.
اَلَّذِينَ لَمْ يَكُنْ فِي أَفْوَاهِهِمْ كَذِبٌ وَهُمْ بِلَا عَيْبٍ.
Then I saw an angel flying in the middle of the sky, carrying eternal good news. He gave good news to the inhabitants of the earth, to every tribe, language, and people.
ثُمَّ رَأَيْتُ مَلَاكًا طَائِرًا فِي وَسَطِ السَّمَاءِ يَحْمِلُ بُشْرَى خَالِدَةً لِيُبَشِّرَ بِهَا سُكَّانَ الْأَرْضِ، لِكُلِّ أُمَّةٍ وَقَبِيلَةٍ وَلُغَةٍ وَشَعْبٍ،
He said with a loud voice: "Be reverent toward Allah and give him glory! The day of his judgment has come. Bow down to the Khaliq of the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water."
وَكَانَ يَقُولُ بِصَوْتٍ عَالٍ: «اِتَّقُوا اللهَ وَمَجِّدُوهُ! إِذْ يَوْمُ حُكْمِهِ قَدْ حَانَ، وَاسْجُدُوا لِخَالِقِ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَالْبَحْرِ وَيَنَابِيعِ الْمِيَاهِ.»
A second angel followed him, saying: "It has fallen. The great city of Babylon has fallen! It is the one that made all the nations drink the wine of the anger of its immorality."
وَتَلَاهُ مَلَاكٌ ثَانٍ يَقُولُ: «قَدْ سَقَطَتْ! قَدْ سَقَطَتْ مَدِينَةُ بَابِلَ الْكَبِيرَةُ! هِيَ الَّتِي جَعَلَتْ كُلَّ الْأُمَمِ تَشْرَبُ خَمْرَ غَضَبِ فَحْشَائِهَا.»
A third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice: "If anyone bows down to the wild beast and his idol, and accepts his mark on his forehead or his hand,
وَتَلَاهُمَا مَلَاكٌ ثَالِثٌ قَائِلًا بِصَوْتٍ عَالٍ: «إِنْ سَجَدَ أَحَدٌ لِلْوَحْشِ وَصَنَمِهِ وَقَبِلَ عَلَامَتَهُ عَلَى جَبْهَتِهِ أَوْ يَدِهِ،
that person will drink the wine of the anger of Allah poured out full-strength in the cup of his wrath. He will be tortured with fire and sulphur in the presence of the pure angels and in the presence of the lamb.
فَذَلِكَ سَيَشْرَبُ خَمْرَ غَضَبِ اللهِ الْمَسْكُوبَةَ بِكَامِلِ قُوَّتِهَا فِي كَأْسِ غَيْظِهِ، وَسَيَتَعَذَّبُ بِالنَّارِ وَالْكِبْرِيتِ بِحُضُورِ الْمَلَائِكَةِ الْأَطْهَارِ وَبِحُضُورِ الْحَمَلِ،
The smoke of their torture will rise forever and ever. They will not be blessed with rest night or day, since they bowed down to the wild beast and his idol, and they received the mark of his name.
وَسَيَتَصَاعَدُ دُخَانُ عَذَابِهِمْ إِلَى أَبَدِ الْآبِدِينَ وَلَنْ يُنْعَمُوا بِالرَّاحَةِ لَا لَيْلًا وَلَا نَهَارًا، إِذْ سَجَدُوا لِلْوَحْشِ وَصَنَمِهِ وَقَبِلُوا عَلَامَةَ اسْمِهِ.»
In this the patience of the holy people who keep the commandments of Allah and trust in Isa is made clear.
وَفِي هَذَا يَتَجَلَّى صَبْرُ الْمُقَدَّسِينَ الَّذِينَ يَلْتَزِمُونَ بِأَوَامِرِ اللهِ وَيَتَوَكَّلُونَ عَلَى عِيسَى.
I heard a voice from the sky, saying: "Write this: The people who die while trusting in Al-Mawla, from now on, have a baraka!" Ruh Allah says: "Yes, so that they can rest from their efforts, and be rewarded for their deeds."
وَسَمِعْتُ صَوْتًا مِنَ السَّمَاءِ يَقُولُ: «اُكْتُبْ هَذَا: بُورِكَ الَّذِينَ يَمُوتُونَ مُتَوَكِّلِينَ عَلَى الْمَوْلَى مِنَ الْآنَ وَصَاعِدًا!» وَيَقُولُ رُوحُ اللهِ: «نَعَمْ، حَتَّى يَرْتَاحُوا مِنْ جُهُودِهِمْ، وَيُجَازَوْنَ عَنْ أَعْمَالِهِمْ.»
Then I look, and there was a white cloud. Someone who looked like Sayyid Al-Bashar sat on it. There was a golden crown on his head, and a sharp sickle in his hand.
ثُمَّ نَظَرْتُ فَإِذَا بِسَحَابٍ أَبْيَضَ يَجْلِسُ عَلَيْهِ مَنْ يُشْبِهُ سَيِّدَ الْبَشَرِ وَعَلَى رَأْسِهِ تَاجٌ ذَهَبِيٌّ وَفِي يَدِهِ مِنْجَلٌ حَادٌّ،
Then another angel went out from the house of Allah and called with a loud voice to the one who was sitting on the cloud: "Take out your sickle and harvest, because the hour has come, and the harvest of this world is mature."
وَكَانَ أَنْ خَرَجَ مَلَاكٌ آخَرُ مِنْ بَيْتِ اللهِ وَنَادَى بِصَوْتٍ عَالٍ لِلْجَالِسِ عَلَى السَّحَابِ: «أَخْرِجْ مِنْجَلَكَ وَاحْصُدْ لِأَنَّ السَّاعَةَ قَدْ أَزِفَتْ، وَنَضِجَ حَصَادُ الدُّنْيَا.»
So the one who was sitting on the cloud took out his sickle and harvested the earth.
فَأَخْرَجَ الْجَالِسُ عَلَى السَّحَابِ مِنْجَلَهُ وَحَصَدَ الْأَرْضَ.
Another angel went out from the heavenly house of Allah with a sharp sickle in his hand.
وَخَرَجَ مَلَاكٌ آخَرُ مِنْ بَيْتِ اللهِ السَّمَاوِيِّ وَبِيَدِهِ أَيْضًا مِنْجَلٌ حَادٌّ.
Another angel went out from the altar. He had authority over fire. He called with a loud voice to the one who had the sharp sickle: "Take out your sharp sickle and reap the clusters of the vineyards of the earth, because their grapes are mature."
وَخَرَجَ مَلَاكٌ آخَرُ مِنَ الْمَذْبَحِ وَلَهُ سُلْطَةٌ عَلَى نَارٍ، وَنَادَى بِصَوْتٍ عَالٍ لِلَّذِي لَهُ الْمِنْجَلُ الْحَادُّ: «أَخْرِجْ مِنْجَلَكَ الْحَادَّ وَاجْنِ عَنَاقِيدَ كُرُومِ الْأَرْضِ لِأَنَّ عِنَبَهَا قَدْ نَضِجَ.»
So the angel took out his sickle to the earth and reaped the vineyards of the earth. He threw the fruit into the great winepress of the anger of Allah.
فَأَخْرَجَ الْمَلَاكُ مِنْجَلَهُ إِلَى الْأَرْضِ وَجَنَى كُرُومَ الْأَرْضِ وَأَلْقَى الثَّمَرَ إِلَى مِعْصَرَةِ غَضَبِ اللهِ الْعَظِيمَةِ،
Grapes in the winepress were trodden on outside the city, and a great amount of blood flowed from the winepress. It reached the bridles of horses at a distance of two hundred miles.
وَدِيسَ الْعِنَبُ فِي الْمِعْصَرَةِ خَارِجَ الْمَدِينَةِ، فَجَرَى الدَّمُ مِنَ الْمِعْصَرَةِ غَزِيرًا جِدًّا حَتَّى بَلَغَ لُجُمَ الْخَيْلِ وَذَلِكَ عَبْرَ مَسَافَةِ مِائَتَيْ مِيلٍ.