« Chapter 17 »
His appearance changed in front of them, so that his face shined like the sun and his clothing was as white as light.
وَكَانَ أَنْ تَغَيَّرَتْ هَيْئَتُهُ أَمَامَهُمْ، حَيْثُ أَشْرَقَ وَجْهُهُ كَأَنَّهُ الشَّمْسُ وَابْيَضَّتْ ثِيَابُهُ كَأَنَّهَا النُّورُ.
Suddenly, Musa and Ilyas appeared in front of them and they talked with him.
وَفَجْأَةً ظَهَرَ أَمَامَهُمْ مُوسَى وَإِلْيَاسُ يُكَلِّمَانِهِ.
Peter told Isa, "Our mawla, it is wonderful that we are here. If you want, I will make three tents: for you, for Musa, and for Ilyas."
فَقَالَ صَخْرٌ لِعِيسَى: «يَا مَوْلَانَا، مَا أَجْمَلَ وُجُودَنَا هُنَا، فَإِنْ شِئْتَ أَنْصِبُ ثَلَاثَ خِيَامٍ، لَكَ وَلِمُوسَى وَلِإِلْيَاسَ.»
وَبَيْنَمَا هُوَ يَتَكَلَّمُ، إِذَا بِسَحَابَةٍ مُنِيرَةٍ ظَلَّلَتْهُمْ وَهَتَفَ صَوْتٌ مِنَ السَّحَابَةِ قَائِلًا: «هَذَا هُوَ أَمِيرِي الْحَبِيبُ، اَلَّذِي رَضِيتُ عَنْهُ، فَكُونُوا لَهُ سَامِعِينَ.»
When the three hawariyun heard that, they fell on their faces in awe and terror.
عِنْدَ سَمَاعِ ذَلِكَ، وَقَعَ الْحَوَارِيُّونَ الثَّلَاثَةُ عَلَى وُجُوهِهِمْ مِنَ الْهَيْبَةِ وَالرُّعْبِ.
Isa came, touched them, and said, "Stand up. Do not be afraid."
وَدَنَا عِيسَى وَلَمَسَهُمْ قَائِلًا: «قُومُوا وَلَا تَخَافُوا.»
When they looked up, they only saw Isa.
وَإِذْ رَفَعُوا أَنْظَارَهُمْ لَمْ يَرَوْا إِلَّا عِيسَى وَحْدَهُ.
While they were going down the mountain, Isa commanded them, "Do not inform anyone about this vision until Sayyid Al-Bashar has been resurrected alive from death."
وَأَثْنَاءَ نُزُولِهِمْ مِنَ الْجَبَلِ، أَمَرَهُمْ عِيسَى قَائِلًا: «لَا تُخْبِرُوا أَحَدًا بِهَذِهِ الرُّؤْيَا إِلَى أَنْ يُبْعَثَ سَيِّدُ الْبَشَرِ حَيًّا مِنْ بَيْنِ الْأَمْوَاتِ.»
His three hawariyun asked him, "Why do the fuqaha say that the coming of Ilyas happens before the coming of Al-Masih?"
فَسَأَلَهُ حَوَارِيُّوهُ الثَّلَاثَةُ: «لِمَاذَا يَقُولُ الْفُقَهَاءُ إِنَّ مَجِيءَ إِلْيَاسَ يَسْبِقُ مَجِيءَ الْمَسِيحِ؟»
He answered them, "Ilyas comes first and restores everything in its correct place.
فَأَجَابَهُمْ قَائِلًا: «يَجِيءُ إِلْيَاسُ أَوَّلًا وَيُعِيدُ جَمِيعَ الْأُمُورِ إِلَى نِصَابِهَا.
But I tell you that Ilyas has already come and they did not know him. They did what they wanted to him. In the same way, Sayyid Al-Bashar will suffer pain from them."
لَكِنَّنِي أَقُولُ لَكُمْ إِنَّ إِلْيَاسَ قَدْ ظَهَرَ وَمَا عَرَفُوهُ، وَعَمِلُوا بِهِ مَا أَرَادُوا، وَكَذَلِكَ سَيُعَانِي سَيِّدُ الْبَشَرِ آلَامًا عَلَى أَيْدِيهِمْ.»
When they reached the crowd, a man came near Isa and kneeled in front of him. He said:
وَلَمَّا وَصَلُوا إِلَى الْجَمْعِ، اِقْتَرَبَ رَجُلٌ مِنْ عِيسَى وَرَكَعَ أَمَامَهُ وَقَالَ:
I brought him to your hawariyun, but they were unable to heal him."
وَقَدْ أَتَيْتُ بِهِ إِلَى حَوَارِيِّيكَ لَكِنَّهُمْ عَجَزُوا عَنْ شِفَائِهِ.»
Isa answered, "Disbelieving generation that has gone astray, how long will I remain with you? How long will I put up with you? Bring him to me here."
فَأَجَابَ عِيسَى قَائِلًا: «يَا أَيُّهَا الْجِيلُ الْكَافِرُ الضَّالُّ، إِلَى مَتَى أَبْقَى مَعَكُمْ؟ إِلَى مَتَى أَتَحَمَّلُكُمْ؟ أَحْضِرُوهُ إِلَيَّ هُنَا.»
Isa rebuked the jinni and it went out. The boy was healed instantly.
وَوَبَّخَ عِيسَى الْجِنِّيَّ فَخَرَجَ، وَشُفِيَ الصَّبِيُّ حَالًا.
When the hawariyun were alone with Isa, they asked him, "Why were we unable to cast it out?"
وَعِنْدَمَا انْفَرَدَ الْحَوَارِيُّونَ بِعِيسَى سَأَلُوهُ: «لِمَاذَا عَجَزْنَا عَنْ إِخْرَاجِهِ؟»
فَقَالَ لَهُمْ: «بِسَبَبِ قِلَّةِ ثِقَتِكُمْ. أَقُولُ لَكُمْ قَوْلَ الْحَقِّ: لَوْ كَانَ مِقْدَارُ ثِقَتِكُمْ كَحَبَّةِ خَرْدَلٍ لَقُلْتُمْ لِهَذَا الْجَبَلِ:
Move from here to there, and it would move. Nothing would be impossible for you."
تَحَوَّلْ مِنْ هُنَا إِلَى هُنَاكَ، فَيَتَحَوَّلُ، وَلَا يَسْتَحِيلُ عَلَيْكُمْ شَيْءٌ.»
After they gathered in Al-Jalil, Isa told his hawariyun, "Sayyid Al-Bashar is destined to be delivered into the hands of people.
وَبَعْدَ أَنِ اجْتَمَعُوا فِي الْجَلِيلِ، قَالَ عِيسَى لِلْحَوَارِيِّينَ: «كُتِبَ عَلَى سَيِّدِ الْبَشَرِ أَنْ يُسَلَّمَ إِلَى قَبْضَةِ الْبَشَرِ،
They will kill him. Then on the third day, he will be resurrected alive." They were filled with deep sadness because of that.
وَسَيَقْتُلُونَهُ، وَفِي الْيَوْمِ الثَّالِثِ سَوْفَ يُبْعَثُ حَيًّا.» فَاعْتَرَاهُمْ حُزْنٌ شَدِيدٌ بِسَبَبِ ذَلِكَ.
فَقَالَ: «أَجَلْ.» ثُمَّ دَخَل الْبَيْتَ، وَسَبَقَهُ عِيسَى بِالسُّؤَالِ قَائِلًا: «مَا رَأْيُكَ يَا سَمْعَانُ؟ مِمَّنْ يَأْخُذُ مُلُوكُ الْأُمَمِ الْجِزْيَةَ، أَمِنْ أَبْنَاءِ الْبَلَدِ أَمْ مِنَ الْغُرَبَاءِ؟»
He answered, "From the foreigners." So Isa said, "Then the sons are exempt.
فَأَجَابَ: «مِنَ الْغُرَبَاءِ.» فَقَالَ عِيسَى: «إِذًا يُعْفَى الْأَبْنَاءُ.
But so that they do not take offense from us, go to the lake and throw in a hook. Open the mouth of the first fish that you catch. You will find a four-drachma coin. Take it and pay the tax for me and for you."
لَكِنْ لِئَلَّا يَأْخُذُوا عَلَى خَاطِرِهِمْ مِنَّا، اِذْهَبْ إِلَى الْبُحَيْرَةِ وَأَلْقِ الصِّنَّارَةَ وَافْتَحْ فَمَ أَوَّلِ سَمَكَةٍ تَصْطَادُهَا وَسَوْفَ تَجِدُ عُمْلَةً بِأَرْبَعَةِ دَرَاهِمَ. خُذْهَا وَادْفَعِ الضَّرِيبَةَ عَنِّي وَعَنْكَ.»